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Interesting study linking sleep and behavioural problems in children with autism to GI issues.

Updated: Oct 5, 2022

Lay Summary:

This study examined how frequently emotional and mood problems occur for autistic individuals who also have other health conditions. The parents of 95 children and adolescents with autism completed questionnaires online. The results showed that emotional and mood problems were common and for 69% of children and adolescents their well-being was considerably affected. Another 10% were slightly affected the emotional and mood problems.

The study also found that individuals with emotional and mood problems were also more likely to have sleep, gastrointestinal, and behavior problems.

Therefore, parents and healthcare professionals of autistic children and adolescents who have emotional and mood problems should seek to improve sleep and gastrointestinal problems. Doing this may also improve the emotional and mood problems.

Full citation: Leader, G., Browne, H., Whelan, S., Cummins, H., & Mannion, A. (2022). Affective problems, gastrointestinal symptoms, sleep problems, and challenging behaviour in children and adolescents with autism spectrum disorder. Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, 92, 101915. Link to Article

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